We are three quarters of the way there as we hit tip #9 in our “12 tips to Christmas!”  This is a mini survival guide which both business owners and employees may find useful to get them through the festive season without too much trouble!

Tip 9– Social Media

The popularity of FB, Twitter and Instagram and the ease of taking photos on a smart phone when combined with the office Christmas party could spell trouble….it could be very tempting for users to post pictures of their colleagues at the office party after they have had a drink or two or to post inappropriate messages. This potentially creates embarrassment, could be offensive and breaks down trust between colleagues as well as raising data protection issues if those appearing in photos have not consented to their image being uploaded on to social media channels. There is also a risk that such activities could bring the employer’s name into disrepute.

It is therefore important for employers to consider having a social media policy in place and to ensure that employees are aware of the possible consequences of posting pictures/messages online that may bring the employer into disrepute and infringe the rights to privacy of colleagues.

However, social media can also be useful during the festive period as it allows us at Talem Law to keep you up to date with our next tip #10! So, follow us @TalemLaw on FB and Twitter to find out what tomorrow’s tip will be!

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