Reviewing an Education, Health and Care plan.

Reviewing an Education, Health and Care plan.

Question: Following a review meeting, do the statutory deadlines have to be adhered to if a local authority wants to amend an EHCp? Yes, said Mrs Justice Foster in the case of  L & Ors, R (On the Application Of) v Devon County Council [2022] EWHC 493 (Admin)...
Unfairness and Impairments

Unfairness and Impairments

Q. Is the way a remote hearing conducted unfair if it fails to take account of the effects of a person’s impairments? A. Possibly, according to Upper Tribunal Judge Ward in TC and BW v LB Islington [2021] UKUT 196 (AAC) The appellants, TC and BW, are the parents of B....
Learning Difficulty Research

Learning Difficulty Research

Do different learning difficulties correspond to specific regions of the brain? No, according to a team of scientists at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge. Nearly a third of children and young people have a learning difficulty which...

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