by admin6989 | 1 Mar, 2019 | SEN
A.) Assuming that the child or young person in question has a disability or a learning difficulty, the correct question at this stage is whether it MAY BE necessary for special educational provision to be made, NOT whether IT IS necessary for such provision to be...
by admin6989 | 10 Dec, 2018 | Disability, Employment Law, SEN
Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) Digital...
by admin6989 | 1 Nov, 2018 | SEN
Listen to Mandy of Talem Law discussing (amongst other things) the importance of ensuring that a child has all the special educational provision needed within a school to meet their special educational needs.
by admin6989 | 1 Nov, 2018 | SEN
To mark the first birthday of Talem Law we would like to celebrate with a myth buster addressing one of the most common queries that people put to us, namely: “My son/daughter has X special educational provision named in section F of their EHCp but it is not...
by admin6989 | 12 Oct, 2018 | SEN
Many children and young persons need transport to and from school, but can this be described as special educational provision and therefore be included in section F of an Education Health and Care plan (“EHCp”) in order to meet a clearly identified and related need in...
by admin6989 | 15 Aug, 2018 | Disability, SEN
The Bristol parents who recently crowd funded to challenge their Local Authority’s (LA) decision to reduce services available to children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) were rewarded with a decision in their favour. The parents...